Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

a glimpse of the early group kirana puspa

Nothing was already 10 years I worked as a songwriter in the era of Indramayu tarling 2000-2010.Sudah hundreds of songs I created, and God bless you with the permission of god, I was able to exist in my duniaku.Bersama a solid team, musicians and music arransmen until now bersama.selebihnya still strong, I was able to hold to accompany the career of a DEWI KIRANA, one indramayu diva, who has the nickname THE QUEEN OF PANTURA, taling dangdut queen at the beach this year utara.yang able to finish the album 12, a long journey full of struggle, sweat and prayer.
I dedicate this paper for the artists or the public who might want to know more detail the way I am, my wife (the goddess ray) and my group (PUSPA KIRANA) may be useful.
Year 2000
In 2000, the exact date of 20th July, I set up an initial group tarling dangdut organ, which to give the name "PUSPA KIRANA", who patrol the area located at Bunder hp nokia indramayu.bermodalkan selling bananas, for ngontrak on patrol, and make mambor / baligo / name of my group who puspakirana display at the curb.
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